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Axx Bible College

Your Testimonial

At Axx we love getting your feedback and sharing your testimonies of growth, development and following the call of God. Testimonies from people of faith help grow the kingdom of God, so please submit a review of how Axx is blessing you. Come and listen, all you who fear God, and I will tell you what he did for me (Psalm 66:16).

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Advanced Certification of Pastoral Ministry

Submit your Story and Testimonial

Bible Study Methods and Hermeneutics - Language, Context and Figures

Bible Study Methods and Hermeneutics - Genres and Conclusion

Introduction to Theology 4 - The Church and the Things of the End

The New Testament 3 - Paul's Earlier Letters

The New Testament 4 - Prison and Pastoral Letters

The New Testament 5 - Hebrews, the Catholic Letters and the Apocalypse

The Old Testament - Psalms and Wisdom Literature

The Old Testament - The Pre-exilic and Exilic Prophets

The Old Testament - The Postexilic Books